
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ken's Bachelor Pad - Reveal

Progress has been S L O W on Ken's place. I feel terrible, my vintage Barbie's have been very ignored lately. With all of the AG Beforever news and the scurry to buy what's currently available, I've been pre-occupied with those projects.

 My friend Shelly sent this really cool border paper for the walls; very retro, very masculine and the colors were exact to his color scheme. I have his place "set-up", but it still needs the little details.

Of course just like a BFF, we see that Alan is right at home visiting the small bachelor pad. 

The amazing .99c leather chair Shelly found at Goodwill !!

I made all of the furniture except for Ken's nightstand.

Still needed: lamps, plants, books, wall art, etc.

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool!! Everything came together just perfect!!!! Ken and Alan will be hanging out a lot together: )
