
Sunday, December 28, 2014

*Opening* BEFOREVER Mini Doll Rebecca

Rebecca looks most like my full size 18" Rebecca!

Her clothes are all one piece, the skirt is sewn onto the jacket.

Her hair is silky smooth and as long as I don't "touch" it I'm sure it will maintain it's curl and luster.

Rebecca is a very pretty doll.


  1. I think I actually like this version better than the older one...great photos!

  2. Thanks for the photos of all your new minis Rhonda! Do you think the newer design is prettier than the older design or are they both nice in their own way? I've seen the new minis in the AG store and in B&N and I have been debating about getting the dolls I am still missing in their new version. I have not seen the two versions together, but the new dolls seem to have an overall slightly slimmer look to them. Do the old and new look o.k. next to each other? For example, I have the old mini Ruthie and I passed on getting the old mini Kit when she was on sale recently thinking I'd rather get the new version someday. Do you think they will look o.k. next to each other? Thanks! ~ Maria B.

    1. Those are great questions! First of all I think it's a matter of personal preference. I happen to like the original minis best. I do think BF Julie is prettier in the face than the classic doll. The slimmer bodies are like the OG minis. In my opinion, I don't think Ruthie would look "right" with BF Kit. Maybe because my eye is accustomed to seeing the classic girls together. For me seeing sweet, cute little Ruthie standing next to BF Kit would make Kit look cartoonish, if that makes sense.

      My next two posts are comparison posts. I hope this helps.

    2. Thanks for the info. Rhonda! I see what you are saying. They may look a little "off" together. I think I need to get one of the new minis in my hands before I decide to buy any more of them. I did order the new Grace mini. After she arrives I'll decide if I like the new style enough to continue to buy those that I am missing or search for the older versions. Fortunately Kit's older version is still reasonably priced so I won't have to break the bank if I decide to get her. Thanks for your help Rhonda! ~ Maria B.
