Year of introduction: 1995
Height: 6.00" to 6.25"
Primary material: Vinyl
Doll types: Play dolls
Retail: $20.00

About the brand:
dolls were introduced in 1995. They included the original five
historical dolls and had glass inset eyes and a glued on wig. They came
with an abridged edition of their “Meet” books and a small pamphlet that
looked just like the large pamphlet that came with the 18” dolls at
that time. Josefina was added 1997.From the American Girl Catalog at the time.

Mini Dolls of the American Girls
Of course the doll that every Girl of Today wants this holiday season
is from The American Girl’s Collection. Select one for your girl or
give her a set of all five! Each 6-inch mini-doll comes with a tiny
version of the first book in her series—fun bedtime reading for your
American Girl and you!

In 2001 the original dolls were discontinued and the current dolls
were debuted. They included painted eyes and rooted hair. They still
come with the "Meet" book, but no longer have the small pamphlet.

In 2011, for their 25th Anniversary, American Girl sold a limited edition of 12 mini dolls in their holiday outfits.

The first available doll was Samantha. She was shown in the December catalog along with the display shelf and shadows of the other dolls. A a new doll was revealed each month. They announced that the dolls would be available until December 31, 2011 or until supplies lasted. Retail $24.00

To compliment the collection of mini dolls, American Girl® offered a mini doll display shelf which came with two shelves, 12 mini doll stands, plus spots to place the name stickers that came with each doll.

Maybe it's just because I've seen more of the newer minis, but the older ones seem startled to me. I have a PC mini Addy (she came in the EBay auction with my 18" Addy) and she always looks like she just saw something surprising.